February 17th and 18th 2022, (send abstracts by 15 January 2022)
The fifth edition of our graduate symposium, New Voices in Portuguese Translation Studies V, which will take place on February 17th and 18th 2022, and is free of charge.
As always, it aims to provide students of Translation and Translation Studies a safe environment to develop their presentation skills and a chance to receive feedback from more experienced translation scholars. Although it mainly targets Masters and Doctorate students, people specializing in Translation at Bachelor’s or Postdoctorate levels are also welcome. It is open to contributions from all countries. Further information can be found at: https://newvoicespts.wordpress.com/.
Abstracts of up to 250 words along with a brief biosketch (up to 50 words) should be sent to to voicetranslation@gmail.com by 15 January 2022.