El miércoles 28 de Junio a las 12.30h, tendremos una nueva sesión del seminario de investigación de los doctorados de Ciencias Sociales y Sociología, curso 2016/2017. Esta vez se impartirá en inglés.
Los datos del seminario son los siguientes:
Lugar: (Seminario 427- Salvador Santiuste).
Ponente: Biagio Aragona (Universitá di Napoli Federico II)
Título de la presentación: New data for policy making and social research.
Data are increasingly involved in policy making. Schönberger and Cukier (2013) as well as Margetts and Sutcliffe (2013) claimed that the radical expansion of digital data will transform the way decision making processes will be implemented across politics and economy, improving the quality of policies and their outcomes, in terms of opportunity, equality and well-being. The technological revolution is in fact enabling governments to use a great variety of digital tools and data to manage more effectively all phases of the policy making process, thus becoming a core element for e-governance applications and techniques. Yet we still know too little about what kind of analytics can be usefully managed, at what policy level they are really demanded, how they are collected, organized, integrated and interrogated, by whom and for what purposes. Overall, we still need to learn about the role of the native contexts in which new digital data usually grow, the information ecosystems that they belong to, and about the data culture is needed to transform these data into actionable knowledge.