CONFERENCIA: “Empowerment through the Business Experience Workshop 23/24: translating as community (trans)formation process”
Profa. Dra. Marcella M. MARIOTTI y Gaia VARONE (Ca’ Foscari University, Venice)
Viernes, 20 de septiembre, 9:30h, SALÓN DE ACTOS, Facultad de Traducción y Documentación, Universidad de Salamanca, Francisco de Vitoria 6-16, Salamanca
The conference will present the processes that contributed to the community-based development of our free JA-ITA “Cafoscari Jisho” dictionary application. We will highlight and discuss the structures of the projects and internships carried out in these past 5 years which allowed students to learn and develop organizational skills autonomously without depending on coercive and empowering directions, therefore awakening the pleasure of applied translation.
The focus of the lecture will be on the latest of these projects, the “Business Experience Workshop (BEW)”, which has seen the light for the first time in October 2023, and lasted until March 2024, with a total of 5 workshops dedicated to the different steps needed to develop a business project. The BEW was conducted entirely in Japanese, with English and Italian as support languages, which stimulated the students to research, collect and translate all the terms needed to bring forward their business projects, as well as pairing them with valuable original examples, contributing in this way to enriching the already existing Cafoscari Jisho database.
Marcella M. MARIOTTI es Profesora Titular de enseñanza de lengua japonesa en la Universidad Ca’ Foscari de Venecia, Presidenta de la Association of Japanese Language Teachers in Europe (2014-2020). Sus investigaciones se centran en la enseñanza crítica de la lengua japonesa desde el enfoque NoLBrick (Critical Foreign Language Education beyond Level Barriers), el japonés para negocios, el e-learning y la traducción de literatura infantil y juvenil japonesa contemporánea.
Se ha dedicado a proyectos de bases de datos de italiano-japonés desde el diseño de su diccionario gramatical japonés multimedial BunpoHyDict (Mariotti, 2008), pasando por ITADICT (Mariotti, Mantelli 2011), a4edu (Mantelli, Mariotti 2016) , hasta la aplicación móvil gratuita CAFOSCARI Jisho (2022-hoy).
Gaia VARONE es subject expert en el Departamento de Asian and North African Studies de la Universidad Ca’ Foscari. Una de sus líneas de investigación es la pedagogía crítica de la lengua. Coordinó el proyecto de investigación Cafoscari Jisho App (2022) como Jr. Research Assistant y participó en el BEW 2023/24 como Senior Research Assistant y Coordinadora.