Seminario · Hacking Research

Seminario Metodológico | Abierto a todos los estudiantes del Programa

Prof. Christopher Rundle · Universidad de Bolonia (Italia)

Hacking Research

Introduction to essential research, note-taking and writing methods, using free open-access software. Aimed at students who have to write extended essays or dissertations that involve a bit of research. 

  • Use of reference managers in the age of digital publishing.
  • Note-taking as an integral part of the creative process of writing: Niklas Luhman’s Zettelkasten method and related tools.
  • Writing using markdown: the use of simplified writing tools to make the writing process more fruitful.

17-18 de marzo de 2020 (horario de tarde)
Facultad de Traducción y DocumentaciónUniversidad de Salamanca